Sunday, February 05, 2006

That's why I'm easy!

Sometimes you just have to take it easy. Once or twice this week I’ve been up with the lark and posting a blog before daylight. Today was the opposite. A slow start to the day followed by a visit to the doctor as my knee was swelling and possibly infected meant that the morning passed before I even knew it. The afternoon was an easy time. The evening got easier still. Watched “The Talented Mr Ripley” for the first time. La Dolce Vita. It must have been great to be able to do Europe in the 50s and 60s, before the world and his wife caught on to the idea. Altogether a very different life. I’m not really sure that there’s anywhere left to explore with the innocence that we still had right up until the last thirty years or so.

These days everything has to be done at high speed. There is no longer time for La Dolce Vita. In Spain and Italy they’re even talking about changing working hours to do away with the siesta now that everywhere has air conditioning and it’s no longer too hot to work during the day.

Is this progress?

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