Monday, January 30, 2006


Its all about action! We’re all of us great at talking the talk but how many of us actually get out there and walk the walk or buy the whisky? I hope this site proves to be an inspiration to me as much as others to actually get off our backsides and do something positive each day. You don’t need to do something big to change your life or the lives of those around you but you do need to do something at the least!

So many of us have managed to get out of the habit of doing things for ourselves and it’s a truth for most of us that we rely on others to do things for us to such an extent that many of us are no longer capable of making our own decisions.

Well ALLCALMA is here to change all that.

Today, maybe just after you finish reading this piece, take a look at yourself and decide that you are going to make a change. It could be any part of your life. Only you know!

Every day I’m going to post some ideas on this blog. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do with them if anything. You may not like my ideas. You may have some of your own. Either way I’d be happy to hear from you.

Today’s idea is to join Freecycle is an amazing idea, essentially it’s an email list where people give away things that they no longer need for free!! It will help you clear your clutter whilst avoiding greater strain on landfill sites and making lots of other people happy! Positive, Positive, Positive. Everybody wins.

There’s loads more info on so make that your next stop right now.

You can look forward to some more great ideas tomorrow. In the meantime as I said previously if you want to get in touch with me please do so.

All the best

Happy Monday


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