Wednesday, February 01, 2006


It’s day three on the Allcalma blog quest and today’s pearl of wisdom is quite short and sweet.


There are probably as many different reasons for having a blog as there are blogs on the net but the great thing about them is that they all serve a similar purpose. We all have something to say. It might just be to tell people what you’ve been doing; you might want to share a hobby or interest; you might, like me, want to share your thoughts, views or ideas. Whatever your reason, it’s a great way to keep in touch with the world and it encourages some discipline in your daily routine.

For most of us these days a diary is something we keep only to remind us of future appointments in our busy schedule. It used to be an opportunity to take time out and reflect on our lives. We all could do with a little time each day to do just that. So let me encourage you once again. It’s easy to do. Just click on the link at the top right of the page and follow the instructions.

Have a nice day


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